: 安定器內藏式螢光燈炮省電燈泡不頻閃,保護各家銀行貸款率利比較2017眼睛壽命長通過BSMI認證
(中央社記者江明晏台北19日電)人工智慧應用大放異彩,TrendForce認為,在語音助理推廣帶動下,預估全球語音辨識產值將呈高速成長,即使蘋果的Siri發展最早,但亞馬遜推出的Alexa已取得業界領先。 TrendForce旗下拓墣產業研究院最新研究指出,2017年人工智慧技術應用發展仍不脫「語音辨識」與「影像辨識」兩大主軸。其中語音辨識部分,在語音助理的推廣帶動下,預估全球產值將呈現高速成長,自2016年的26.13億美元,至2021年成長為159.79億美元,年複合成長率達43.64%。 拓墣產業分析師林貞妤表示,以CES 2017為例,亞馬遜雖然沒有在展會中發表任何產品,但其語音助理Alexa卻因成功與眾多廠商的智慧產品結合,成為最大亮點。 亞馬遜將Alexa自Echo上分離出來,並釋出Alexa語音助理技術的API與SDK,可看出亞馬遜早已看好語音操作平台的市場潛力,希望讓Alexa成為眾多物聯網(IoT)產品的語音控制平台,以取得物聯網市場的話語權。 林貞妤表示,相較於其他競爭對手,亞馬遜推出的Alexa已率先取得業界領先地位,即使蘋果的Siri發展歷史最早,但在物聯網布局上都是以iPhone或其他自家產品為中心,平台開放程度較低。 而谷歌雖然同樣採開放作法,甚至推出GoogleHome、Google Assistant與亞馬遜競爭,但軟硬整合能力仍不及亞馬遜;微軟的Cortana則是發展時間最晚,目前在市場導入上明顯落後於前3者。 然而,微軟也已宣布能將競爭對手Alexa的程式碼轉換為支援Cortana,讓未來的競爭態勢仍有機會產生變化。1060119
COUNTERMEASURES: The TRA said another railway union has agreed to work during the holiday and that it is training reserve staff to take over if neededBy Abraham Gerber and Shelley Shan / Staff reportersThe Taiwan Railway Union will follow through with its threat to “take a legal holiday” over the Lunar New Year to protest the Taiwan Railways Administration’s (TRA) unwillingness to negotiate labor terms, union members said yesterday in a Taipei rally.About 10 union members and their supporters gathered on the west side of the Taipei Railway Station building, shouting slogans and accusing the agency of forcing employees to work overtime during the holiday crunch next week.Union president Wang Jieh (王傑) said a petition to take time off during the holiday had been signed by more than 1,000 of about 4,000 employees responsible for station and train operations, vowing delays and cancelations in response to the agency’s refusal to negotiate over holiday shifts and overtime hours.“The work we normally do is that of laborers, not civil servants, but the TRA wants to use our status as civil servants to pin us down,” he said, adding that agency officials had threatened to mark employees who refused to work as “absent without leave,” violating a Ministry of Labor ruling.Civil servants and most other public employees are not governed by the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法) and can be compelled to work over holidays under the Civil Service Act (公務員服務法).However, the Labor Standards Act states that in cases where workers are considered both civil servants and laborers, Civil Service Act standards apply to their salaries, retirement and insurance, “as well as other cases in which it provides better benefits” than the Labor Standards Act.“Even though we are considered both civil servants and laborers, our national holidays are supposed to be governed by the Labor Standards Act, which requires employers to ask workers whether or not they are willing to work,” Taiwan Railway Union secretary Hsiao Nung-yu (蕭農瑀) said.Union director Tseng Fan-ye (曾繁宇) accused the agency of trying to cut the number of platform staff, which he said could undermine safety because there would be fewer staff to monitor trains and passenger traffic.Hiring more employees to allow shift reductions has been a key demand of the union, which was founded last year to compete with the existing company union.Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsai (王國材) said after a Cabinet meeting yesterday morning that the agency would continue to communicate with the union and has been training reserve staff to fill a potential personnel shortage.“It would take time to address the union’s demands, such as increasing staff numbers. The TRA is working on meeting those expectations,” Wang said.The TRA has also discussed the situation with the company union, the Taiwan Railway Labor Union, which understands that some of its appeals are not going to be addressed immediately, Wang said.The group has said it will cooperate fully with the agency’s plan to transport homebound passengers during the holidays, he said.Asked about the possibility of 1,000 workers going on strike, Wang said that it would affect railway transport during the most important holiday of the year, but that the TRA has trained substitutes to meet a potential staff shortage.All reserve staff have undergone three months of training and served as apprentices for 10 to 14 days before being added to the work roster, the agency said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
2017年01月15日 11:09
漫威電影《死侍》2016年上映後票房和評價都創下亮眼成績,甚至一舉闖入金球獎入圍名單,創下Marvel超級英雄先例,續集目前正在積極籌備中,近來2位編劇萊特瑞斯(Rhett Reese)、保羅韋尼克(Paul Wernick)受訪時便透露幾位搶眼的配角也會回歸演出。
此外,《死侍2》先前爆出男主角萊恩雷諾斯(Ryan Reynolds)和首集導演提姆米勒(Tim Miller)理念不合,導致導演被迫換人,目前改由《捍衛任務》導演之一的大衛雷奇(David Leitch)執導,擅長用有限的預算將電影發揮到比原本多出10幾倍的價值。製作人賽門金柏格(Simon Kingberg)則透露,續集將會呈現像第1集的幽默、刺激,且充滿驚喜,但是要如何給觀眾新鮮感是很大的挑戰,不會為了票房刻意做出更大的場面。
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